The latest on the boatshed renovations
The History:

The original stone boatshed (pictured above), which saw its final days in May 1974 could only fit two surf boats! Captured in the photo are legacy Whaley members Colin Timms, Rich Stewart and Ron Clark some years ago. Today, we pioneer into the future, renovating our boatsheds to ensure the space is functional, WHS compliant, reliable and secure for years to come.
With the strong support of Treasurer Jon Pratten and Gear Officer Richard Stewart, our President Andrew Pearce set the agenda to renovate the boat shed. A team of Whale Beach members began upgrading the first-aid room and it became apparent that the renovations needed to extend to the whole boat shed, the importance of which was reinforced by a Work, Health and Safety audit.
The Project:
The boat shed renovations are in full swing and well on the way! Led by the Building Committee; Andrew Pearce, Phillip Schmidt, Rob Berry and Property Officer Brian Lamrock, with the additional knowledge and experience of the Gear Team led by Richard Stewart, construction is set to be complete by mid August 2018. Just in time for the kick-off of the 2018/19 season!
Many of our volunteers have donated their time moving equipment in and out of the sheds, and we thank them graciously for their help. Northern Beaches Council, who own a portion of the land the boat sheds sit on, have also been very supportive. With the completion of the project the changes to enhance facilities will benefit the community, serve the needs of Whale Beach SLSC, and provide ongoing support for our volunteer members. So where are we up to?
The Update:
The project has been moving along at firing rate, a token to the great team involved! So, what can you expect to see the next time you adventure down to the boat shed?
The lighting has been upgraded and automated, the floor resurfaced, ceiling patched and painted, with new cabinetry and equipment storage too. Custom fixtures and fittings have been installed as we begin moving equipment back in. Our diligent team have applied for funding assistance to replace the roller doors with more efficient ones that would also allow access through the front of the boatshed.
The Future:
“We are moving to a standard more befitting of a modern professional rescue service” – President Andrew Pearce.